Banking Insights

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On-Demand Webinar: Future-ready payments: Increasing competitiveness with reusable technology

Our latest webinar, moderated by Finextra and featuring a global panel of experts, explores the relationship between banks and "the variety" of new payment types—and offers insights on how banks can futureproof their strategies to remain relevant within the payments ecosystem.

Blog: In the Instant Payments Race, Does Winner Take All?

“Instant payments.” It’s a term that’s been talked about for years, but in practice (if you exclude the use of cash) it’s less than a decade old. So, what does it really mean? And why is it so important in today’s payments space?

Blog: How Data Sharing is Changing the Definition of Banking

The increased competition from fintechs has forced financial institutions (FIs) to innovate, improve their offerings and their customer service, and in some cases lower their costs. Open banking will continue to change how consumers view their banking options, providing opportunities and posing challenges to FIs, merchants and card processors.

Brochure: A Payment Platform for the Future

Diebold Nixdorf’s Vynamic™ Payments is the next generation in payments processing software, a cloud-native platform built to power the ongoing transformation of the financial services and payments industry. We approached payments with a fresh perspective—focused on disruption rather than iteration. See how you can leapfrog to the next generation in payments processing now.

Blog: Buy Now Pay Later and the Future of Credit

What forces are revolutionizing the (not so modern) world of Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) purchasing? When retailers needed a way to empower consumers with the confidence to buy online during the COVID pandemic, it’s no surprise they turned to fintech companies to help them (and customers) reach that critical point of sale.

Blog: The API Economy is Revolutionizing How People Think About Money and Finances

The API economy that FinTechs have taken advantage of gives a glimpse into how consumers will think about money in the coming years. A fully connected ecosystem that can seamlessly integrate new payment types, new authentication methods, and new channels will be essential to both attracting and retaining, consumers.

Blog: Keep the Change - How fintech is blurring the line between transaction and payment

Vendors and service providers will continue to seek out ways to optimize their transaction flow and customer experience and to save the costs associated with credit card payments. What does this trend mean for banks and credit card issuers?

Mindshare: Cryptocurrency and Payments Disruption

Speculation about cryptocurrency has been building for years; but now these theories are turning into real-world use cases that are upending the payments ecosystem. If you look across the wider crypto/distributed ledger landscape, the most avid adopters of the technology have been banks, asset managers and exchanges.

Blog: Breaking the Payments Status Quo

The heart of a payment is the processing of a transaction. Today we’re seeing alternative methods, payment instruments and various tokens entering the market with accelerated pace. If FIs want to stay in the game, they need to modernize their payments systems to become flexible enough to derive value from the new API-driven ecosystem.

Blog: Is your Payments Platform Approaching its “Effective End-of-Life”

How do you know if your payments platform is at its effective end-of-life? What should you be looking for in a future-ready payments platform? Are you ready to take your payments platform into the future? Continue reading for answers to these questions and more.

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